Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....
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Author:  Mr_Die_HarD [ 11 May 2021, 00:37 ]
Post subject:  Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....

Hello most of the players who's know me and who's dont know me...
Some important notes regarding that server
I've been here on this maid since 2008 and I have many memories and many friends here...
and on every comeback I return to the game, being very excited to play with some of my friends, at least we get some old memories with pk...
But every time I find that the server is boring most of the time but it has two advantages....
The first of them is that "the server is stable from any other server for a long time until now
One of its flaws: It is a boring server at this time. "There is no enthusiasm/action in the game. Most of there is no action. There is no permanent activity in the fighting zone of CZ...."
Just play 45 minutes "Adream" and then you turn off the game.. :roll:

my opinion, the server should wipe and start with a new fresh once again
The first of them is "to get new players because Maxko got a bad reputation regarding to others . Therefore, you do not get any new players. Even if you submit new Quests, items/weapons, However number of players is still small under any UPGRADES , all of this is without benefit as long as there is no activity."

What is the point of benefit when you have a character full of weapons that you keep them in your inn , and there is no play inside what you have won all these weapons for all these years for what... happy with these items?
beside you don't get a moment of fun inside the game with ur items as being afk on moradon
What is the benefit of that
In my opinion, weapons should not always be with you for the last longevity, at least one year long is enough..
From my opinion: The server started again with a different system and style
At least use the old style servers "old school"

"lets say what about Donators " my answer you have ur items for along time,now your time is come up to leave them and start a new fresh...

some of you guys gonna say" that wipe server will lead to the current point once again of being have my full gear,, thats true but the results will be good... you gonna have some fun ingame, some of pk in all of zones not only 1 zone...

to start a new fresh server , you need to think twice how the system nd style of server going to be on... Light/Heavy Farm...old/ current style of a character

"Dont cry about your items and try to get some fun ingame......

Thanks in advance.

Author:  RhizopusOligosporuS [ 11 May 2021, 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....


im disaggree with this, idc about my items, because i play as free player not a "Donator" . You think if MaxKO doing wipe again server will be got more player? i think its not, many private server is closed after doing wipe server *except MaxKO*
All player here have a work bro, cant play everyday everytime for farm, they have familly, they have activity in the real life, you think they are unemployment? playing game 24/7 infront of PC. If you boring with the server just call ur team to play here and help them on PK or FARM, and adjust your time with the server. I see MaxKO have a good pk everyday. the players here also play when they have free time.

Is there any guarantee from you if MaxKO doing wipe the server?
Are there any new players arriving from your team?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Author:  Mr_Die_HarD [ 11 May 2021, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....

RhizopusOligosporuS wrote:

im disaggree with this, idc about my items, because i play as free player not a "Donator" . You think if MaxKO doing wipe again server will be got more player? i think its not, many private server is closed after doing wipe server *except MaxKO*
All player here have a work bro, cant play everyday everytime for farm, they have familly, they have activity in the real life, you think they are unemployment? playing game 24/7 infront of PC. If you boring with the server just call ur team to play here and help them on PK or FARM, and adjust your time with the server. I see MaxKO have a good pk everyday. the players here also play when they have free time.

Is there any guarantee from you if MaxKO doing wipe the server?
Are there any new players arriving from your team?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

This is completely unrelated to whether you are an employee or not, and not many servers that have opened and closed, but you still have more fun playing around there.
I agree with you on the point that most servers fail after it had started over, but not all servers fail.
Some fail and succeed depending on how the starting point style and style are chosen
In addition, it does not mean that you are an employee or you have a family, this is an obstacle to you that you play for a few time, and there are many people from all over the world at different times who can play as well "that maxko able to bring them and attract...
I also have a family and I have a job, but when i open the game, there is boredom comes inside it .... Your opinion is respected, but I disagree with you in your opinion
Because if there is a failure rate in starting over, it is clear that there is also a more success rate than starting over...

Results: some players will come, PK activity will increase.. in every Start there is always enjoyment..
and yeah my Team Won't play im empty place since there is no actions there but depends if there is pk they are loging .....
you have your point and i've my mind also
Thanks for your opinion. appreciated

Author:  kil [ 11 May 2021, 14:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....


It seems like you still don't understand why we lost so many players....


and you think another wipe is the solution??

come on....

Author:  Chucky [ 11 May 2021, 17:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....

Hello My Friend,

I do not agree To wipe server because if flegy do it I am sure 50% of players inside
the server will leave

Maybe wipe server I agree if flegy will remove all of the items from PUS and add only the
1 x set armor and 1x best weapon all of the other armor and weapon is farm maybe in this solution I can agree

But for now, I see MAXKO Working fine in pk Adream also in CZ

Maybe bro you login in the time all of the players sleeping because they are have Work have wife have a life

If you invite your team and trying to be active the players who are playing now will do the same and will be active.

Author:  Yoichi [ 11 May 2021, 20:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....

MaxKO is international server so expect people will play different times specially on their preferred time. ;)

As mentioned on previous replies on this post, we don't expect people to play always since we have jobs/schools/personal life to attend to.

Also I agree with kil, regarding the first server wipe. NO WIPE ANYMORE. This server lost people due to that and I dont think its a good solution.

Try to stay online longer and see when is the peak time of the server where there is PK in CZ.

Just a reminder, this is a game and not a job so people will come in on their preferred time. Peace yow! :mrgreen:

Author:  Arathi [ 14 May 2021, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....

Hello There,
MAXKO is a great server since its inception But there's ONLY ONE problem, because of it server became boring and the problem is the PUS. If the server wiped so what? 2 months and all server will get full items because of Donators who's lazy to farm and get items.
The farm is the part of enjoying in server exactly as PK!
Before, I have never seen a server put all the items in PUS!, On another server players join events and Pk for years to get good items to Pk with it and they never got the full-powered items! So I agree with a wipe if there are changes will be done in Pus.
there's a lot of benefits that will happen if changes in PUS had done and the best benefit of it that's the period of Farm/Pk will increase.

Author:  KennyDiaz [ 14 May 2021, 15:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....

I dont agree, its all about advertisement...

Im a good advertiser so i could help in that department

Author:  AnnelieseFoehrkolb [ 15 May 2021, 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....

kil wrote:

It seems like you still don't understand why we lost so many players....


and you think another wipe is the solution??

come on....

Agree no need WIPE ANYMORE we will lost a lot of player ;) ;)

Author:  BIackSwan [ 15 May 2021, 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wipe server............ Start a new fresh server.....

nope, i don't want to log in everyday just to farm and join event like ft and kr again :lol:

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