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 Post subject: Rules: Posting in Your Problems section
PostPosted: 09 Jul 2014, 20:48 
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These are the new rules when You post a problem. Note that these rules will be strictly followed.
Disregarding these rules will result in a closed/removed topic.

1. You should write required info by using proper forum below.
2. One topic is enough about Your appeal, rest will be closed/removed.
3. Do not spam 'Bump/Up' topic. GM's will look at all topics.

4. If You try to scam anyone or the GM team for items, Your Account and IP will
be banned. We will not tolerate scamming and this will result in a permanent ban.

5. We do not support inter server trades.

6. We do not support scamming, be very careful with trading. It's Your own responsibility. We will still ban scammers, but We do NOT return the items.
(If You don't trust the person You are trading with, You can call in a GM to help You with the trade. You both give the items to the GM and he'll give it to the one You want to trade with. before doing this make sure the GM is a real GM by PM'ing on the forum or MSN.)
7. Items lost more than 2 months ago, wont be restored.

Hacked/Lost Account

* Account ID:
* Chars names on that Account:
Char Name_1
Char Name_2
Char Name_3
* Last time you logged in:
* IP Adress:
* Email address used while register account:
* Are you sharing your Account with someone? :
Yes or No, if Yes, say with who.

Lost Items

* Account ID:
* Char name:
* Last log in time:
* Date/time when u lost them:
* Explain how you lost them:
* List of items:
* Are you sharing your Account with someone? :
Yes or No, if Yes, say with who.

Change E-mail

* Account ID:
* IP Address:
* Date/time when you bought the account:
* Current E-mail address ( if you know it ):
* New E-mail address:
* Screen-Shot/KSC proof about buying the account:

Bugged Stats

* Account ID:
* Char Name:
* Char Class:

Clan Bug

* Clan Leader:
* Clan Name:
* Bugged Alliance Clan Name:
* Bugged Char Name:

Use proper form and get Your problem solved faster.

MaxKO Team.

Please refrain from contacting the MAXKO Team for NT, CC, free items, or item trades.

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