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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 06 Nov 2012, 14:15 
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Joined: 31 Mar 2012, 14:30
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I'm from my mother. However me and my dad have visited many other places and gave those places names over the many years we lived here. We also make up other names for the places we been whenever something important happens in that place.

I guess we three have a great bond and I'm a proud inhabitant of this wondrous place.


Now for real... officially I'm from Belgium. It's quite something here. I'm not sure what you'd like or dislike about it. But if you love it you simply love it. You just have to get through a lot of paperwork before you really understand how GREAT this place is besides being wondrous.

A wondrous great place it is.

Kisses from Belgium.

You got a problem... I got a joke! xD

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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 15 Nov 2012, 08:12 

Joined: 09 Aug 2012, 07:27
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I'm from China. We are very love this game, so we meet in MaxKO. China is a country with a long history , there are not only beautiful rivers and mountains, and have friendly people. Today's China is more and more open and democracy, I hope everybody have to travel to China to visit if u have time. Seeing is believing .

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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 08 Dec 2012, 20:30 
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Dont Hate the Player Hate the Game

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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 08 Dec 2012, 21:06 

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ImKurwa wrote:
In the name of God the Merciful
Egypt received from time immemorial a never-ending flood of Arab cultures and ancient Egyptian civilization arose based on Arab culture and the ancient Egyptian language and is part of the tree of the Semitic languages ??that belong to the Arabic language and Egyptian civilization is one of the manifestations of Arab activity in various forms and elements and days through which takes thousands of years, such as Babylon and Assyria Assyrians and Phoenicians.
Because of its geographical location, Egypt became the maid of Arabism and if there is sometimes some shortcomings due to the events of the decade, but offset loyalty and length of service. Egypt is a link between east and west and north and south and then joins land and sea and this site occupied Arabism. And has been the Islamic conquest of Egypt light to create an Arab homeland Islamic Africa, dealing with the Maghreb and Andalusia and the Nile Valley and countries that surround it and became this nation Arab-African ?????? and most productive of the culture as it was the Arab conquest and means of communication directly in Europe in Sicily and Andalusia and became important centers of Arab culture in Morocco, Fez, Cordoba, Tunisia and became the Nile valley linking the two wings of the Arab world to the east and west and Forum sons of Arabism.
And flourished centers Moroccan and shined the names in the cruel arts and sciences and became their denominations and became the wing eastern features and the West Wing features and Egypt became the focal point between the wing and especially as it is located in the pilgrimage route and has led to assist in the exchange of opinion and innovation and make a new field of thinking and expand the horizon of cultural and has helped the Egyptians to lead Egypt and normal function, also helped Site Egypt in the performance of other service as has been the center for the spread of Arabism in Upper Nile, where I crawled Arab tribes from the north to the south on both sides of the Nile . And has participated Egyptians and Arabs settlers to provide this service to Arabism.
And had remained Al-Azhar mosque and alone without other Islamic universities lead role.
And Egypt sent its sons in the modern era to transport what they can from Arab culture and Western natives Arab and Islamic and has emerged gradually after the First World War, and after the population growth the Great in Egypt became a market for the production of physical and literary and a great center of cultural activity presses were established and spread newspapers, magazines and Dharat publishing houses than in developed countries and contributed to that achievement Egyptians and the sons of the Arab countries.
Geographically, Egypt is located at the junction of the old world continents: Africa - Asia - Europe .. Overlooking the two seas: the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, and oversees the two bays of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba, and being home to the Suez Canal one important international waterways. Egypt is located in the northeast corner of the continent of Africa .. Bounded on the north Mediterranean coast with a length of 995 km .. And bounded to the east of the Red Sea coast with a length of 1941 km .. And bounded in the north-east of Palestine and Israel along the 265 km .. And bounded on the west Libya along the 1115-km-long line .. And bounded on the south Sudan a length of 1280 km.

Put Egypt on one of her feet on the Asian continent, despite belonging to the continent of Africa, which also flows the Nile River .. Lifeline for the people of Egypt.

And linked to this geographical location, Egypt was a isthmus which passed through the three monotheistic religions, as they were forum for interaction of civilizations between East and West, and between north and south, and at home converged continued civilizations Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian, Coptic, and Islamic .. Down to the modern era.
Vetoaslt Egypt across the Mediterranean with European civilizations successive, and remained at the same time part of the Global South, live issues and seeking permanent for development and progress. At the same time, by virtue of its position in the Islamic world, Egypt has over the centuries, a beacon radiation of thought and Islamic civilization, embodied the values ??of moderation, tolerance and coexistence, which represents the essence of Islamic teachings.

In the Arab region Egypt plays a cultural and a great intellectual and political, and bear a significant share of the pursuit of stability, peace and progress and renaissance in the Arab world and the Middle East. There is no doubt that this geographical location civilizational and humanitarian dimensions had implications for the formation of the Egyptian man who has been through the ages adheres to the values ??of moderation and openness to the other, and creative interaction with other nations and cultures, seeking for good and peace to his country and all of humanity.

Divided terrain of the Arab Republic of Egypt into four main sections:
Nile Valley and Delta:
Constitute the Nile Valley and Delta is less than 4% of the total area of ??the country, or about 33,000 km 2 .. The start of the Nile Valley south from northern Wadi Halfa to the Mediterranean Sea and is divided into Upper Egypt (level) of the alliance to the south of Cairo, Lower Egypt (Nile Delta) and extends from north of Cairo to the Mediterranean Sea .. The Nile River runs from the Egyptian border in the south to Musbah in the Mediterranean Sea to the north about 1532 kilometers long .. and branches of the Nile, north of Cairo to the two main branch Damietta and Rosetta branch who Ihsran triangle between Delta, one of the most fertile agricultural land.

Western Sahara:
The area of ??the Western Desert about 680 thousand square kilometers by 68% of Egypt's total area .. It stretches from the Nile Valley in the east to the Libyan border in the west and from the Mediterranean north to the Egyptian border South, and is divided into the northern section: includes the coastal plain and the northern plateau and the Great Depressions, which includes the oasis of Siwa and Qattara Depression and Wadi Natrun and Bahariya Oasis and the southern section: includes oases Farafra and Kharga and Dakhla In the far south of the oasis Owainat.

Eastern Desert:
An area of ??about 225,000 square kilometers, ie 28% of Egypt's area and include the Sinai Peninsula .. The stretch between the Nile Valley to the west and the Red Sea and the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal to the east and Lake Manzala on the Mediterranean Sea in the north to Egypt's border with Sudan in the south .. The Eastern Desert features a mountain heights overlooking the Red Sea and reaches a height of about 3000 feet above sea level and consider this desert Egyptian stocks of natural resources from various ores of gold, coal and oil.

Sinai Peninsula:
An area of ??approximately 61.000 square kilometers, or about 6% of the area of ??Egypt, which is in the form of Plateau triangular base on the Mediterranean Sea north and head south in the area of ??Ras Mohammed and the Gulf of Aqaba to the east and the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal to the west and Sinai is divided in terms of the terrain into three main sections are: Southern Section: an area extremely rough terrain consists of towering granite mountains, and Mount Catherine rises about 2637 meters above sea level, the highest mountain peak in Egypt. The middle section: an area comprises the central plateau, labyrinth, where valleys plateau towards the Mediterranean gradually declining. Northern Section: It includes the area between the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the south, a labyrinth plateau is a land flat and plain area rich in water resources resulting from rain water falls from the southern highlands and plateaus of the central region.

Divided Arab Republic of Egypt, according to the 1971 Constitution into administrative units enjoy legal personality which provinces and the 26 province, each with a number of towns and cities and villages number 217 cities and 4617 villages in addition to Luxor of a special nature. Holds units of local administration in the light of the general plan of the state establishment and management of all public facilities located in her constituency
1 - Cairo

Replete with ancient Pharaonic Cairo effects and the effects of different types of medieval .. and the most important seven wonders at all .. The Pyramids of Giza and the most important characteristic of Cairo it was the capital of Egypt in the Middle Ages and can review the effects of Cairo and Giza as follows:

Giza pyramids area

And include the three pyramids and the Sphinx and the sun and the craft Sphinx Temple.

The Great Pyramid: King Cheops pyramid

One wonders, was built in 2650 BC. M., almost longer Aattabroazm stone building in the world, attributed to the king (Cheops) Fourth Dynasty, built by engineer (Ham Ono), base of the pyramid square length of each side was originally 230 meters, and was high in originally 146 meters, and is now 137 meters, built 5.51-degree angle, built this pyramid a way that the air pressure, the number of stones used in the construction of about 2,300,000 stone block and weighs an average of 5.2 tons

And is the second Dynasty fourth, came to power after the death of his father (Bent), whose full name (Khanm scared me) any (idol Khnum, who protect me), scientists believe that it was originally from the village (Bani Hassan) (banned Cheops) any (nursing Cheops), Little is known about the important events in his reign, but he sent missions to the Valley of the cave, where he found his name and image represents an airing at the head of a person pin murderer; so as to bring turquoise, with a statue and a single was found in (Abydos) of ivory, carved his name on throne, and the length of the statue five centimeters, which is now in the Egyptian Museum sentenced according to Papyrus (Turin) about twenty-three years, and attributed to him the Great Pyramid of Giza Pyramids, the largest stone building in the world and dubbed (AGT Cheops) meaning horizon of Cheops

Second pyramid: the pyramid of King Khafre

Built by King Khafre southwest father Khufu's pyramid. And, still has part of ????? in peak so far, with a height of 143.5 meters and the length of each side 215.5 meters, and inclination angle 53.10, located at the ground level, and the entrance leads to a corridor bearish, roof of granite and the angle of decline 22, ends at the barricade get him to pass horizontal, then Ramp leading to compartment called fault compartment burial is empty carved in the rock, and continues vestibule to barricade last found rise to the top corridor horizontal ends compartment burial, and this room ceiling Jmalone constructed limestone , and almost the middle of the pyramid, Chephren pyramid fired name (the Great).

And Khafre is the Fourth King in the Fourth Dynasty married Princess (anchorages Ankh) third mention of Maniton been sentenced twenty-six years attributed his second pyramid of Giza Pyramids, the lowest rise of the pyramid (Cheops), was high in the original one hundred and forty-three meters and a half, It is now one hundred and six and thirty meters and a half, was held on an area of ??two hundred and fifteen Mtramrava and a half square meter, and the pyramid of two entrances on the north side, and still pyramid retains part of ????? at the top, was found in the Valley Temple Special his collection hierarchical statues of stone schist, including the statue is one of the most beautiful produced Egyptian sculpture.

Third pyramid: a pyramid of Menkaure

Built King Mncarua son of King Khafre. , Length of each side of the ribs 5.108 meters and a height in the original 5.66 meters and the angle of inclination 51 degrees, and the entrance on the north side rises about four meters above the ground level, and leads to a corridor bearish length 31 meters, and the angle of decline is simple, roof of granite and then Then we find veiled Dhliza stones, and leads to a horizontal corridor where three barricades, and then we get to the burial chamber, and found a wooden coffin his name and has a mummy reserved British Museum launched Menkaure pyramid Name (Bible).


The King Khafre carved Colossus "Sphinx" Generally speaking man and the body of a lion Rad near Ahram about 4500 years ago was most of the time buried up to his neck in the sand that protected him vicissitudes of time. Since its discovery in modern times Sphinx turned into prey to the wind and water rights because carved limestone statue eroded by groundwater and sandy wind. The effect underwent Pharaonic with a length of 48 meters for several renovations.

Solar Boats: Composite Cheops

Besides there is a museum boats Ahram sun and the one found hidden beside the pyramids. In one beside a pyramid (Cheops) is made from cedar wood ???????? from the mountains of Lebanon, and was disassembled and placed very carefully, also found ropes and their own oars, boat length (5.43 meters), and a maximum width (9.5 meters), and depth (87.1 meters), and the rise in the forefront of that in the form of a package Brady (6 meters), and high hips (7 meters) and compound consists of 1224 the longest piece of wood (23 meters), and the smallest (10 cm ), and the boat is a cabin key is divided into two rooms: a small room in the direction of the introduction, and a large room area (7 meters) Takes cabin 36 column wedge-shaped tent, the cabin master is very small located in front of the boat, and the boat 10 paddles 5 on each side, and most likely this compound was placed to be at the disposal of the king in the other world.

The effects of Saqqara and Dahshur

Held the first stone structure in the world, a pyramid of Saqqara, which was built by King Zoser in 2816 BC and the pyramids of Saqqara, which include the Pyramids kings Taata. Unas. Adequate and the USSR and Mary Rocca graves. Kakjta. Ptah Hotep. T. Ni Ankh Khnum. Khnum Hotep. Turnoff. Turnoff haram Ptah. Aero Rocca Ptah. Qar. Petah pyramid. Miho. Ankh Mahor. Turnoff Hesm Ra and cemetery sensory Add to group pyramids Abusir and Dahshur, which is also the most important archeological sites in Egypt, which includes the most important archaeological treasures, where found on more than archaeological discovery of gold within Ohramadtha and cemeteries, and most important of these pyramids Bent Pyramid, known as pyramid yellow pyramid curve King Sneferu, Black Pyramid of King Amenemhat III, and the pyramid of King Senusret III has begun this region in global tourism after the reception prepared for that.

Archaeological areas in Cairo:
join this pic guys

GG bro :D

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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 10 Dec 2012, 15:47 
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i am from Sabah, Malaysia on the stunning tropical island of Borneo. Sabah is a land of inspiring natural scenery, lush ancient rainforests, vibrant coral reefs and mysterious indigenous cultures! We have it all here, from the world's largest flower; the Rafflesia, to the highest mountain in South East Asia; Mount Kinabalu, to some of the world's best dive sites; Sipadan and Layang Layang.

Borneo is the third largest island in the world. Sabah is located in the North of Borneo and is surrounded by the South China Sea to the North, the Sulu Sea to the north east, the Celebes Sea. It is a mountainous country with tropical rainforests and coastal swamp plains intersected by many rivers resulting in diverse ecosystems supporting many unique flora and fauna.

Sabah is naturally endowed with beaches and bays, rainforests and amazing plants and animals, and the sacred Mt Kinabalu. Scuba divers travel thousands of miles to experience the amazing wonders of the underwater realm and where better than to the bio-diversity hotspot of Southern Asia - Sabah, Borneo.


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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 01:33 
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Kubota wrote:
i am from Sabah, Malaysia on the stunning tropical island of Borneo. Sabah is a land of inspiring natural scenery, lush ancient rainforests, vibrant coral reefs and mysterious indigenous cultures! We have it all here, from the world's largest flower; the Rafflesia, to the highest mountain in South East Asia; Mount Kinabalu, to some of the world's best dive sites; Sipadan and Layang Layang.

Borneo is the third largest island in the world. Sabah is located in the North of Borneo and is surrounded by the South China Sea to the North, the Sulu Sea to the north east, the Celebes Sea. It is a mountainous country with tropical rainforests and coastal swamp plains intersected by many rivers resulting in diverse ecosystems supporting many unique flora and fauna.

Sabah is naturally endowed with beaches and bays, rainforests and amazing plants and animals, and the sacred Mt Kinabalu. Scuba divers travel thousands of miles to experience the amazing wonders of the underwater realm and where better than to the bio-diversity hotspot of Southern Asia - Sabah, Borneo.

so do i..we are in the same state buddy ~ :mrgreen:

:mrgreen: PLAY CLEAN :!: PLAY FAIR :!: PLAY JUST 4 FUN :mrgreen:

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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 17 Dec 2012, 16:59 
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Joined: 18 Jul 2010, 14:49
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Hi good morning, my name is emmanuel
i'm from venezuela, i know that the topic is very old, but I would like to share with you the culture of my country,Venezuela is a beautiful country, full of wealth, popular for it's tourism.
language: spanish
currency: The Bolivar
capital: Caracas
our typical dish is Creole pavilion.
what I like about Venezuela's beaches,I show a video here
the most beautiful women in the world are the Venezuelan
if I tell all of my country would never end.
I am a student of marine engineering 3rd semester!
see you in your country one day soon.
I forgot. we listen at Christmas gaitas
our music is typical llanera
for not having much time do not give many details, but if you have any questions about my country, tell me I answer.

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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 27 Mar 2015, 14:29 
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This topic have to be up, 😄 need some new informations


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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 27 Mar 2015, 20:42 
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 Post subject: Re: Introduce us your country
PostPosted: 02 Apr 2015, 03:06 

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