How can get more FPS in MAXKO
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Author:  Chucky [ 03 Aug 2021, 19:12 ]
Post subject:  How can get more FPS in MAXKO

Welcome to the tutorial to get more fps in Knight Online.

What is FPS, what does it do, and what can I do to make it better?

FPS Stands for Frames Per Sec, or what knight online players call it:
Screenlag. (this is when you have low FPS.)
By increasing ur FPS, you decrease the lag, if you decrease the quality of the game, the performance goes up.

Make sure you're drivers are up-to-date, read here on how to do that:

How do I find my videocard manufacture

Press Start, then goto Run, type in the box ''dxdiag''. It might ask you something in a window, just press 'Yes' to continue. After that its done loading navigate to the tab 'Display'
You got alot diffrent ways to check where you're videocard comes from.

NVIDIA Videocards Owners go to this site:
(nividia has made a detection plugin for windows to check what for videocards you have. Make sure to update both, Motherboard + Videocard!)

ATI Videocards Owners go to this site:
(Make sure to check twice if you go the right system/videocard drivers, if you download the wrong ones, you mess it all up!)

This might already increase some FPS.
I cannot garantuee that it will boost ur fps, but it will never drop, thats for sure!
I can't make a full tut about both ATI/Nividia videocard fps increases, I only have PC's at home (currently) with Nividia, but ATI and Nivida arent such a big diffrent.

Want even more fps?
You have to ask me if I can help you boost ur FPS by a bit, the only problem is, this will be ALOT of gunz players, so I can't help everybody at once.
Might this helps you out bit by bit to play on a more proper way.

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