Boss Events
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Author:  iPiGLeT [ 01 Dec 2013, 22:10 ]
Post subject:  Boss Events

Unless you want to force the newcomers to leave the server on purpose don't spamm the bosses at CZ bowl whatsoever... (Especially talking about the Ja'Rod and Hero bosses)

The two mentioned monster's drops are those which most ppl would like to get.
And spawning that at bowl just taking away the chance of the newcomers (who would need them the most) to get a drop.

It's enough to take a look at today's event. There were ~50 humans and ~30 orcs online which pretty much takes away the chance of gettin the Ja'Rod's drop even from the geared orcs, not to mention the noob ones.

There were like 3-4 Ja'Rod spawned today and i bet ~90% of the drops went to those who didn't need them at all since they had them already but the newcomers who would need them the most were just dieing at CZ on both human and orc side.

So to summarize it with events like this you will just make the already geared guys even more OP and the noobs to feel even more worthless.

If you want to refresh CZ and make Boss Events there too, spamm things like Big Fela, fela and NP mobs, so there will be action and bosses to kill aswell, but the newcomers won't feel like "Cmon every good drop was taken by the top clans again". On the top of that there are plenty of possible event to keep cz alive which doesn't contain bosses at all.

PS.: Before some1 wanna be smartie and start to flame me pointlessly i already have Medal, and i was fine w/o it for a month so it's not about me at all.....

Author:  Flawless [ 01 Dec 2013, 23:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss Events...

How do you know noobs didn't get the boxes? because you guys didn't get the boxes? are you guys noob? in order for you guys to be satisfied and know that noobs are getting the drop, you guys need to get the drop?

P.S: I know you are looking for this answer. " we didn't fcking get the drops." stop blaming obama

Author:  iPiGLeT [ 01 Dec 2013, 23:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss Events...

Aaand there we go, a totally unnecessary comment.

How can i highly suspect it?

1st, for your information i got plenty of drops. I belong to the "already geared guys whos just got stronger with this event"..... [gifted most of them to some beginner tho]

Furthermore i killed many ungeared humans in cz too and saw the noob orcs gettin owned aswell which pretty much leads to the conclusion that noobs barely got anything.

So get your fact straight. I was trying to suggest something which can possibly make the server better and attract some ppl here, but if you can't answer normally and aint up for it that's not my problem.

PS.: It's obvious that noobs will barely get anything in cz. You don't have to be an Einstein to realise that....

Author:  lSebastian [ 02 Dec 2013, 09:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss Events

Heya David this mess it will be still in the game, those that are full will be even more full, but we should not blame certain clans or players for these errors, which favor or not.The main problem is ... to say ProGm "who don't know or don't care about what happens, but we tell them end what to do , always a good suggestion is taken as a threat and so after their chek his IQ he tell you can go awhay if not like it (this is the reaction in general)
So dont botter to change somthing in a world ho dosen't whana change .
Ps: ( this game whas created , end if owner of game dosen care why to fk up our brains to make things better ) :idea:

Author:  GM_SirGOn [ 02 Dec 2013, 09:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Boss Events

Hello Guys,

1.There was 2 Jarods spawned on the last event and won't happen again due this inconvenient.
We keep trying to make players happy and in our effort to do this,it happen to find also unhappy players.
2.Anatolia clan ain't got any Jarod drop from the last event.
3.Partially agree with all of you but not completely.

Now i won't let this topic go further with flames because i don't like to see that and i like to see our community acting like a friendship one.

Thank you for all the replays on this topic and for the topic himself.We will create another strategy by doing Boss Events and stick up on our rules to do it.
I hope you guys will be happy to "get back to basis" with the "events".

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