1-2 Error with the Xmas patch, next restart will solve it.
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Author:  GM_Dave [ 09 Dec 2014, 02:14 ]
Post subject:  1-2 Error with the Xmas patch, next restart will solve it.

1.: The golden snowmans at CZ currently drops the same items as the regular snowmans at moradon. After the restart they will work fine and drops the "M" "A" "X" "K" "O" letters for the 4th quest. -FIXED

2.: The new, Glory BDW earring doesn't show 45 def ingame (it gives it tho). Will be fixed aswell long before the 1st guy will get his first Glory BDW earring.

3.: A few smaller things yet that you might don't even notice. -Fixed most of them

Will fix all of them asap, to make the Christmas patch flawless, thx for understanding and enjoy the winter.

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