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Author:  Iam_JustForDarK_ [ 19 May 2013, 09:50 ]
Post subject:  ppl's demand !! EDITED NON- IMPORTENT TINIGH'S

so guyz this is 5 th month running after maxko expension !! and we still have problems with game !! and for this problem's many ppl leave maxko or go other server's but that's not a point ... the point what ppl relay want from maxko expension !! what is those attractable think's which was made ppl happy in old maxko !! after ask many ppl i found their wishes about maxko !! bellow :


1 . fix mob buggs during FT and CZ ( chos stone )

2 . need 85 lvl back with 85 lvl skills ..

3 . need hero armour and name change armour back ( coming in 1933 patch as flegy said )

4 . fix csw and lunar war and also quist system ( including cape quist )

5 . we all know in old maxko we have 2 big quist's ( khelas and lvl 85 ( NFS ) quist , so we want those type of quist's if you want to add .

6 . ( old FN and old CSW belt ) = i hard form ppl that those think change with IN +5 and IB +5 ( OLD FN = IN +5 and OLD CSW = IB +5 ) dont know what flegy's dicition about this !!

7 . like usko we have to 999999999 pots for pk !! that's impossible and make ppl bore ! so can you fix it to unlimited pot ??

8 . about DF , TRIAL , RON and MYTHRIL sets ! they are still +7 not upgreded but as some ppl said in future thay will be upgreded ! but 1 quistion can they still +10 ?? coz we frm in old maxko for there some ppl use vote point for there , so pls think about it !!

and now some not- important thinks :

1 . make t and d items are 3rd gread weapone's and raptor shard give to biigganer weapones ( like old maxko )

2 . in old maxko we have white armour ( chittien armour ) can they back ??

3 . we all know this is maxko expension , so why we have still old thinks . so either you deleted all old thinks or change it to +4 !!

4 . in old maxko we have much hp , ap and defence . but now we have low hp , ap and defance ! so can you bring back those thinks ?

so this are the some question for flegy .. hope he will be look at this and ans as well !! sorry for my bad English ! :mrgreen:

Author:  tRKKone [ 19 May 2013, 09:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !!

Nice topic ty .)

Author:  GM_Errico [ 19 May 2013, 10:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !!

Good Suggestion.

Developers and Flegy already working on War"s.
we Already know what to fix.
as we said before,85 lvl will come up after we done everything with bugs.
About Cape,we are working on it as well,when wuest System come up cape and ally also will work fine.
About ap-def-hp,we got new armors with new specialty so u cant expect the same hp-def-ap like old maxko.
as i said before we are trying to Fix Everything Asap.
But ist not easy to fiy all at the same time.
Everything will be more Better.
And Dont Worry We are NOT going to make this Server 100% Usko.
We Already Fix many things but u guyz just dont see it or dont want to see it.
if u want us to fix everything asap,help us with bugs.

Thanks For Understanding!

Author:  GM_Heroo [ 19 May 2013, 10:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !!

GM_Errico said all the things that I wanted to say. So +1 For him

Author:  Iam_JustForDarK_ [ 19 May 2013, 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !!

edit : non-important thinks

5 . we all know in old maxko top 5 clan's ( assitent and leader) both got a guard like ( gaurd of w/o ) is this on expension ??

6 . gaurd tower as big ap so cant NT . so can they got low dammage for NT ?? xD :mrgreen:

Author:  Penny_Lane [ 19 May 2013, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !! EDITED NON- IMPORTENT TINIGH'S

I like that topic!

Its good that we have players reporting things and giving suggestions.

I fully agree with points 1-4 and 7.
I personally dont miss the kahless Quest - in fact I never liked it.

Let me add my top 1 suggestion:

M1. Change the Krowaz farm system - make it a real farm and not just boring box camping.
Let boxes drop the keys and let the big mobs drop the materials. This way people would go Krowaz to farm with Partys. Not just some wallhackers collecting boxes...

Author:  Iam_JustForDarK_ [ 19 May 2013, 18:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !! EDITED NON- IMPORTENT TINIGH'S

MileS wrote:
Let me add my top 1 suggestion:

M1. Change the Krowaz farm system - make it a real farm and not just boring box camping.
Let boxes drop the keys and let the big mobs drop the materials. This way people would go Krowaz to farm with Partys. Not just some wallhackers collecting boxes...

+1 for miles .. in usko we make korwaz set in 4 days ! but here we make korwaz weapone and set in 2-3 week's or maybe 1 month ! so we need korwaz set and items ( +5 if u want ) by frming some hard monsters !!

Author:  STR8 [ 19 May 2013, 18:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !! EDITED NON- IMPORTENT TINIGH'S

and it would be Better if there is a Npc Krowaz Set change Like Hero :)

Author:  GM_Heroo [ 19 May 2013, 18:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !! EDITED NON- IMPORTENT TINIGH'S

My suggestion for Krowaz Armors weapons is: A mob where we can farm Krowaz armors&weapons but the rate for the drop should be like %20-30 :lol:,

What do you guys think??

Author:  Penny_Lane [ 19 May 2013, 18:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: ppl's demand !! EDITED NON- IMPORTENT TINIGH'S

GM_Heroo wrote:
My suggestion for Krowaz Armors weapons is: A mob where we can farm Krowaz armors&weapons but the rate for the drop should be like %20-30 :lol:,

What do you guys think??

Anything is better than the current system. Its not even farming.

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